Rankings | Players | Tournaments | Gadget | Charts | Calculators | Log-In |
Mane Aarush |
Kautkar Ritesh |
Name | Delete |
Mane Aarush | |
Kautkar Ritesh |
FIDE on list | Live FIDE |
1495 | 1495 |
World Rank |
Asia Rank |
India Rank |
428438 |
89653 |
29658 |
Tournament | Elo at the start of the tournament | Variation |
h2e Power Systems Maharashtra State Amateur FIDE R | 1496 | +0 |
FIDE on list | Live FIDE |
1614 | 1614.2 |
World Rank |
Asia Rank |
India Rank |
339157 |
56645 |
14735 |
Tournament | Elo at the start of the tournament | Variation |
h2e Power Systems Maharashtra State Amateur FIDE R | 1600 | +0.2 |